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Americans work hard.  In 2020, Americans worked 1,767 hours per year.  Other highly successful, economic powerhouse countries, work much less.  For example:  Austria 1400, Canada 1644, Germany 1332, Japan, 1598.  (Source:  OECD.stat).  While the American “work-ethic” often is a place of pride, one could wonder if working harder has drawbacks to success; after all, many countries, more than those listed above, find … Continue reading Virtuosity


Resiliency  -Mark Haeussler, CEO Resiliency is the ability to recognize, and effectively adapt to, significant or repeating adversity, stress, and tragedy.  When we encounter challenges and setbacks that push us beyond our customary level of resiliency, performance drops, unfavorable moods overtake and become unmanageable, and we encounter physical manifestations (sleeplessness, irritability, or fogginess, as examples).  Challenges that … Continue reading Resiliency